Women Like Amber Heard Are the Reason Men Are Going Abroad to Marry
Sadly, Amber Heard isn’t the only horrible woman you’ll find in the US.
She may be in a league of her own, but her kind is the reason why a lot of American men don’t want to marry anymore. Women being abused in their marriage is common, yes, but it’s come to the point that no one will believe that a man is being abused by a woman anymore.
It’s gotten that bad. So men either refuse to be married or they go abroad looking for a more suitable bride.
Abroad, you’d rarely find a woman who would hit you and then say “Suck it up, you’re a man, aren’t you?”, nor will you meet one that is so self-entitled she thinks that you have to adjust to her standards at every turn.
I’m always the kind of person to say “Each person varies, no matter the race,” but in this case, you can see a very terrifying difference between many American women and the rest of the world.
American Women vs. Foreign Women
1. The unreasonable standards
American women will expect their man to already have a big house, a financial income of 150,000 dollars, a respectable profession (most commonly a lawyer or a doctor), and to be tall and attractive.
They might as well be looking for a fictional character at this point. This kind of guy is probably out there but they aren’t common.
Foreign women, on the other hand, are content to simply be with a man who will treat them right. They want a man that can take care of her and her family and that’s that.
2. The double standards with cheating
Cheating isn’t something that a couple should ever take lightly. No matter the gender, cheating is cheating. And the feeling of hurt and betrayal is the same for either sex.
But American women seem to think that it’s okay for them to cheat on their male partners. But when it’s the men that cheat then it’s unforgivable?
America’s culture today is so confused now that women are being glorified for their floozy behavior. Their argument is that when men have many girls, he’s praised for it, but if it’s the other way around she’s called many horrible names.
While it’s a fair thing to get angry about, it’s not a reason for women to cheat on their partners.
Foreign women have a better mindset when it comes to loyalty. They were raised to be more chaste and loyal, often coming from religious cultures that look down on infidelity. Cheating is the last thing on their minds, even when their relationships are getting rocky.
At most, they will talk things through with their partners rather than resort to cheating or divorce.
3. Feminism isn’t equality for them
A lot of men groan at the mere mention of the word. Feminism was created because women were oppressed. Now a lot of American women use this as an excuse to bully men.
Men and women are supposedly equal but to a lot of ladies in America, they think it means they can dominate men and make them feel small.
Foreign women don’t look at feminism this way. They look at it for what it actually is.
4. You can no longer joke with American women
If you say something that is even slightly politically incorrect, you can bet that your life will be over before you can say “Freedom of speech.”
A lot of men flat-out avoid women in the workplace. They say they’re afraid of losing their job just because they accidentally looked at a woman. Women can get pretty trigger-happy with sexual harassment cases, which honestly shoots their gender in the foot.
Women who falsely accuse men of harassing them make the real victims not want to speak up. It was already horrible before but now it’s just worse.
Foreign women aren’t as stiff and vindictive. They are more relaxed with jokes.
5. Being fake and superficial is their norm
Putting on a front just to be considered acceptable in America is, unfortunately, a thing. Women expect their men to be just as superficial as them. Everyone has to be someone they’re not and it’s expected to play exhausting games like every day is political warfare for them.
A woman won’t even look at you if you don’t look like a socially-acceptable man in their eyes. And if you somehow pass their convoluted-as-heck test, you’re treated to a fake smile and a sweet personality that you know for sure are facades.
No one is there seems to be real anymore.
But in foreign countries, it’s rarely like that. A lot of women are truly warm-hearted and true to themselves out there. It’s bothersome to act like someone you’re not all the time. To them, these kinds of games are petty.
I can assure you that if you go up to, say, a Colombian woman, she will treat you with an honest personality.
6. There are more Karens in America
It’s a fact. Karens are the worst kinds of women in the world. They embody selfishness, narcissism, immaturity, arrogance, self-entitlement, and every other negative quality known to man.
And America is a breeding ground for them. Listening to Amber Heard’s absurd testimonies (lies) has left me to believe that she is, in fact, a Karen.
Foreign women are a lot more pleasant to be with. The ridiculous personalities that American women seem to embody are rarely seen in these ladies. If you talk to one, it’s pretty obvious that they don’t have a massive chip on their shoulders.
Amber Heard Makes American Women Look Bad
Despite all this, I still truly believe that there are many genuinely kind American women. Unfortunately, they get overshadowed by women like Amber Heard.
Sadly, she isn’t even the worst one out there. We only think so right now she’s in the spotlight. There are still many miserable marriages out there that we don’t see because victims don’t speak out.
Whether you are a man or a woman, abuse is still abuse. American women need to realize that.