What to Do When She Says ”Me No Ingles”

Herminia Rafael
3 min readMay 20, 2022


At the very least, don’t freeze up.

So, the girl you’ve been flirting with didn’t understand a thing you just said. Don’t panic and don’t be disheartened. It’s not the end of the world, yet. At the very least, you have another chance to charm her properly.

First: smile at her

It’s awkward, yes, but the more you prolong the awkward silence and stare the less chance you have with her.

Give her a smile. Duck your head a bit as a non-verbal apology first before you salvage the conversation. Don’t lose your polite tone, either. She’ll be watching how you react.

Second: speak slowly

Slow down but keep the rhythm. Slowing down your sentences will help but only to a point. Whenever we slow our speech, we end up emphasizing every word and it makes the entire sentence a little too stilted.

Stress the nouns instead. Let’s say you want to say “Alex went to the bank.” Instead of emphasizing each word, just focus more on Alex and bank. The meaning of the sentence is still carried without you making the conversation awkward and very strained.

Just don’t dumb it down too much.

Third: don’t shout

We tend to make our voice louder when someone doesn’t understand what we’re saying. We do it unconsciously, too.

Try to keep the volume of your voice the same as it was before. You’re going to scare her away if you get louder. It’s also going to give off the impression that you think she’s stupid so try to tone it down. You don’t want to offend the girl you are trying to flirt with.

Fourth: use simple words

Be straightforward. Instead of trying too hard to simplify your words by saying idioms, just keep it simple. Don’t put in any slang terms, either. It’s only going to make the whole conversation more frustrating.

Fifth: don’t repeat a word over and over

She may not know how to speak English but some simple words are easily understood. You don’t have to keep repeating them over and over. Unless she states otherwise, that is.

Sixth: caveman speak is allowed

Naturally, there is no need to be too picky about grammar. Just focus on getting your point across with as much grace and respect as you can. Remember, being simple is the key here.

Seventh: offer her a drink

They say a single drink can help people relax when speaking a different language. It’s also a nice gesture in general as well as show your interest in her. After all, when a man finds a woman attractive, it’s natural that he’d buy her a drink.

Always Be Respectful

Don’t be condescending just because she can’t speak your language. Technically speaking, she doesn’t have to learn English. If the situation was reversed, you wouldn’t want to be treated like you’re dumb just because you don’t know how to speak Spanish.

Treat her as an equal. Teach her some English words and learn some Spanish phrases if she decides to teach you some too. It will help you guys communicate and you can bond over it.



Herminia Rafael
Herminia Rafael

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