How to Show Her That You’re Not like Other Guys
Are you dating a girl who has had bad experiences with guys in her past relationships? If so, you would want to prove that you’re not one of those crappy guys, right?
While things have been great for now, it’s horrible to imagine something bad happening sooner or later that will make her think you’re just like those guys she previously dated.
All things considered, it’s not fair to generalize men. However, a lot of women get into relationships with men who aren’t ready for serious dating.
It’s either they’re only interested at the beginning, or they’re simply after a casual hookup.
You know that you’re not one of those guys, so you want to show her that she’s worthy of love and that you’re not there to waste her time.
Cultivate these qualities to prove to her that you’re the one she’s been looking for.
Be consistent.
During the first stages of dating her, it’s understandable that you feel all the excitement of being with her. You text her good morning every day, take her out on a date every weekend, and check up on her throughout the day.
As simple as these things are, they make a big difference in your relationship. It’s important to be consistent in doing them.
This isn’t to suggest that you should go overboard by sending long-form messages and excessive gifts, or worse, being needy by seeking too much time and attention. You don’t want to overwhelm her.
One of the most common comments or complaints women make about men is when they’re too sweet and gentle at the beginning, and become cold or nonchalant later on.
If you want to make her feel special, be consistent with your actions from the beginning and throughout the course of your relationship.
Keep your promises.
First of all, do not make promises unless you’re a hundred percent sure you can commit to them. If you can’t keep small promises, how can you prove to her that you’re serious enough?
Keeping small promises such as taking her out on a date night, picking her up from work, or calling her are a few ways to work on building her trust.
Sure, there will be days when something unexpected comes up and will prevent you from keeping your promise.
Simply apologize and be honest with your reasons. She’ll most likely accept your reason and understand that your actions aren’t habitual or patterned.
Be non-restrictive.
A lot of women complain about possessive men who think they have the right to impose rules and restrictions on them. This is an absolute deal breaker, so don’t be one of those guys.
Keep it cool and let your partner do her thing.
If she wants to go out with friends, don’t make a big deal out of it by asking too many questions. If she wants to wear a lot of makeup or dress up, don’t dictate what she can or cannot wear. If she wants to maintain personal space, give it to her.
She’s entitled to her own choices, and you have to respect that. You, on the other hand, want to do your own thing too. It’s a matter of coming to terms with each of your differences.
Unless both of you are in a committed relationship, you can’t dictate anything to her. At some point, however, you will have to set limitations and boundaries.
But when you’re only starting out, you might want to take it easy and use this time as an opportunity to get to know each other’s individuality.
Avoid checking out other women.
As they say, men are visual creatures. As much as I want to avoid conforming to this stereotype, a lot of men check out other women even though they’re already dating someone, or even when they’re in a serious relationship. It makes a lot of women feel insecure or undesirable.
When a head turner passes by, it’s only natural that it catches our attention. But don’t stare for too long, and make sure to look away before she notices. When you make a habit of checking out other women, the tendency is you’ll become more vulnerable to temptations.
Another thing is liking pictures of women on social media. This is a common unaddressed issue in many relationships since many men don’t think of it as a big deal.
Though it may not look like a big deal, it’s something to consider to avoid any misunderstandings. Some women easily feel jealous when their partner likes pictures of sexy and attractive women on social media.
Imagine her doing the same thing, liking or checking out pictures of hot guys. How would it make you feel?
Your reasons for liking a picture might be harmless. But when she hints that she’s not comfortable with it, try to fix the behavior if necessary.
Clean up.
Having this trait shows that you’re responsible and organized. And you want to be this kind of man for her.
You don’t want to be seen as one of those guys who treat their girlfriends like their mothers who would always have to clean up after their mess. This is a major turn-off for women.
Also, maintain proper hygiene as most women can be particular with that. Never go wrong with the basics. No one wants to hang out with someone with a strong body odor.
While women present themselves the best way they can, from putting on makeup to maintaining extensive skincare, good and proper hygiene would be enough for men. So, don’t be like other guys who are okay with wearing dirty socks or living in an untidy apartment.
Calm your ego.
Maybe society has helped develop men’s egos. After all, it’s been telling men to toughen up and be competent to fit in. So how do you show her that you’re not one of those men who have an inflated ego?
First, treat staff and waiters with respect or avoid ranting on your first date. Some men do this to try to impress their date, showing that they’re fearless alpha males. You should know that most women can notice this pretense upfront.
Also, apologize and learn how to accept criticism with grace when you make a mistake. You’ll be surprised how impressive and attractive these traits are to women.
Another very important thing to be aware of is mansplaining. Don’t explain things to her when she didn’t even ask you to.
There are certain times when you want to talk about a subject or topic you’re so interested in and passionate about. It’s okay as long as you try to sound neutral and not condescending.
Make sure not to make any assumptions about her competence. It would be a shame if you go on explaining a subject or topic that she’s more knowledgeable about.
Be passionate.
A lot of men like to put on a facade. Some of them want to be seen as emotionless creatures who don’t seem to care about anything.
Well, we can’t blame them, since there are also quite a lot of women who prefer bad guys over nice guys.
But this is a superficial preference that fades over time. Later on, she will realize that men who are passionate are the ones who can bring more value to a relationship.
If you’re passionate about something, tell her and be proud of it. Sometimes, we tend to make assumptions that our hobbies or interests are not as cool or trendy. It doesn’t really matter that much to her. What’s important is your character or attitude.
Are you making an effort to pursue your passion? Do you strive to be better at something you say you’re enthusiastic about? This matters more to her.
Another example is when you like listening to an outdated genre of music. Know that this isn’t something to be ashamed of. Instead, think that your atypical passion and uncommon interests can be good sources of topics during date nights.
Tell her the reasons why you like them, when you first started taking an interest, and so on.
Men have earned quite a reputation when it comes to dating. Whether this is based on pure assumptions or logical reasons, it doesn’t mean all men are heartless human beings. In other cases, they only need to change a few habits and show their intention with full sincerity.
Proving that intention to someone worthwhile can take time. It’s not that you’re being punished for past experiences with men from her past, or men in general.
When you want a serious relationship, you have to invest time and energy for the person to see you and notice that you’re someone special and different.