Feeling Lonely? Travel Abroad

Herminia Rafael
3 min readJul 7, 2022

If you’re having trouble looking for a woman to marry, then this PSA is for you.

You’ve gone this long trying to find your bride in the US. If you still haven’t found her, travel abroad. She is out there. You simply need to go meet her.

If you haven’t already figured it out, many foreign women want to reach out and marry American men. They just don’t have the means to find you themselves and meet you. At best, they are on social media.

Alas, there’s only so much you can achieve with these apps.

As great as the internet is for making communication so much better than it was two decades ago, it still doesn’t beat face-to-face interaction. When you meet that one person for the first time and just know that they’re the one, nothing can beat that experience.

This is why you should travel.

Why Traveling Is the Best Decision You Can Make

1. You were meant to explore this vast world.

This world was given to us and we were meant to explore it. We aren’t supposed to stay in one place and be stagnant our whole lives.

We are meant to be out there, seeing the world for what it is. We are meant to interact with different people, explore different landscapes, and eat different food.

You are meant to be out there. Not just to find a wife, but to also see what this world has to offer.

2. It’s boring to stay in the same spot.

Do you know what we do on a daily basis?

We wake up, eat, go to work, go home, and sleep. Then we rinse and repeat. While it isn’t so bad, it’s a bit claustrophobic if you think about it. We see the same buildings, eat the same food, meet and talk to the same people– you get the gist.

A lot of people don’t mind this. Some people desire to get into this stable routine. After all, it’s a sign that you’ve got a lot of things in order already.

But what if you want to see new things? Those of you that can’t sit still in one spot and want to be out there.

Does doing the same things over and over make you feel like you’re stuck? Do you crave adventure instead of settling into a routine of being safe and mundane?

Then travel.

3. You can find the best friendships in unexpected encounters.

You might not realize it right now, but there’s a potential best friend out there.

As funny as that sounds, traveling can sometimes allow you to meet people you’d never expect to get along with. Locals from different countries grew up with cultures different from yours. You’d be pressed to believe you could find a friend like that.

But bonds always form in the most unexpected ways. A strong bond such as friendship can sometimes be found in people you have warring opinions with.

This person might just be a nobody in the meantime but in the future, you’ll be calling them your best man. Or even your wife’s maid of honor.

What Are You Waiting For?

You’ve stayed in your country long enough. You’ve waited for a miracle for too long but now is the time for action. Your life partner could be out there waiting, and all you need to do is make a decision.

Book that ticket and change your life. Try your chances abroad. I can guarantee that it’s infinitely better.

