Dating Tips for a Retired Single Man
As a single retired man, you’ve got lots of time. Taking up a new hobby, joining a golf club, or taking new classes are some of the most relaxed, enjoyable, and less complicated ways to have leisure.
Others, however, go for a more exciting and bolder approach: dating.
At first, you may be skeptical and think,
“No one’s going to be interested in an old man like me,”
“I’m just too old for dating.”
For starters, you shouldn’t set limitations solely based on your age. If there’s something you want to do, and you imagine yourself being happy doing it, then why limit yourself?
If that’s not convincing enough, let me give you some facts.
While the majority of men prefer younger women, women on the other hand have a more diverse yet interesting age preference, one study says.
The study shows that the majority of younger women are more interested in dating older men and they shift to mixed ages later on in their lives. According to them, there are many desirable traits that older men have, like security, maturity, and so on.
While that’s true, you’re also going to have to set your intentions and put in more effort before you decide to date.
This will put you in a more advantageous position in the dating world, and hopefully lead you to the right person who deserves your love.
If you’re a single retired man looking for love, here are a few dating tips to guide you:
Dress up.
Looks matter in dating. You have to make an effort to look good and presentable.
Shop for new clothes or change your wardrobe if you have to. Go for colors that don’t come across as too old-fashioned. Try making it look casual but classy.
It’s important to strike a balance between looking sharp and casual. This kind of style gives off that inviting energy, which is what you’re basically aiming for in dating.
You can also pick a new scent and wear perfume. But make sure to go for something subtle yet pleasant.
There are many ways to present yourself. Of course, the easiest one is sticking to what you’re most comfortable with. As most people suggest, dress who you are. Just remember to keep everything looking decent and sharp.
Say yes to fun and exciting activities.
Aside from the fun and entertainment, going out and trying new things are some of the most effective ways to meet new people. When you say yes to fun, it gives out a youthful vibe and energy, which are some of the most desirable and attractive characteristics of a man.
If you want to date a younger woman, you’re going to have to catch up with her energy. For sure, she’d want to share moments with you as soon as she becomes interested, and you don’t want to miss out on that.
However, if you’re not up for such things, you don’t have to comply and pretend. As long as you don’t turn down opportunities here and there.
You may be way more experienced in life, but life is ever-changing. A lot of new things develop each day, which open doors to new experiences.
Be a listener instead of a talker.
Although you have lots of experiences in life that you’d want to share and talk about, especially during your dates, consider taking a pause. Be the listener instead.
Let’s say you’ve had a lot of accomplishments in life. Well, your date might not be interested in hearing all about it as you’re getting to know each other, especially if you go on for hours talking about how far you’ve come.
It can be challenging to find common ground and build a connection at first. Listening and empathizing are just two of the many ways to start building a connection.
Listen and show interest in her stories. As she grows more interested in you, she will be more comfortable sharing personal stories like bad experiences. You don’t necessarily have to offer advice, but keep in mind to be attentive and compassionate.
Don’t go overboard.
One quality that is guaranteed to be desirable in older men is their being romantic.
When you’re only starting to get to know her, don’t go overboard like sending too many cringe messages. Understandably, you want to express all your affection and fondness for her. But that’s not necessary.
Add a little bit of a mysterious aura and keep it cool and simple. These grandiose gestures can sometimes drive women away.
Then again, it can depend on one’s preferences. To be safe, just remember the rule of thumb — be clear about your intentions and let her know that you’re someone serious and not some player.
Try online dating.
While you’re bound to meet all kinds of people throughout your life, not all of them are actively looking for a relationship.
Where else can you find single people who are looking for the future love of their lives?
I get it, there are probably too many negative things you’ve heard about online dating, like people getting scammed by young, beautiful women. Unfortunately, these are real stories that happened to many people.
But it’s only fair to acknowledge that there are also a lot of successful marriages that started out through online dating.
Oftentimes, people remember the sad and negative stories better than the positive and happy ones.
While this kind of unfortunate thing happened to many, it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed for something bad before you even try it.
Engage in meaningful conversations.
One of the common attractive traits of older men is their ability to see things and situations with deeper understanding and wisdom. Trust me, women find this quality pretty much desirable.
Engage in meaningful conversations by asking open-ended questions or initiating topics about goals and ambitions. You don’t have to sound too serious. You just have to keep the conversation meaningful in an engaging way.
Dating as a retired single man can be challenging. Aside from the stigma, you’re also going to have to go through many adjustments with whatever differences you and a potential partner might have. But don’t let these things discourage you from finding someone who will genuinely love and care for you.
As they always say, age is just a number.